While the whole world is falling in love with Angelina Jolie and her Jolie-Pitt children empire, I admire Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton. Everyone call them "messed up", "slut" and "whore". But the whole world forgotten that they once fall deeply in love with Spears and Lohan. (not so much on Hilton's side.)

So why do people hate them ? Does choosing the wrong guy make Britney a 'messed up' ? Does an early rise to fame and being a lesbian make Lohan a 'slut' ? Does making a porno make Hilton a 'slut' ?

Everyone had in their life chose the wrong guy in their lifes. But does that make u a mess up ? I chose plenty of guys that i shouldnt had be with, but does that makes me a mess up ? Hell no ! It is part of life ! So why on hell is Britney choosing the wrong guy make her a mess up ?

Lindsay Lohan partying everynite and being a lesbian makes her a slut. *roll eyes
What did partying do wrong to you people ?!?! She is a lesbian, let her be ! Why are all of you supporting Ellen DeGeneres but not Lohan ? They are just the same !

As for Hilton. Cmon ! im sure many people in the world had make a porno. its just that they are not famous nor is it put in public.

Not that im fully madly in love with these people, exp for Lohan. She's my favourite. But ! Before we judge them, we just have to think that they are just peeps like us; exp with a more glamorous, paparazi-chasing lifestyle.

Yep !
My all time fav show is bak !

I've watched American Idol since 11 and i was addicted ever since. i watched all ep in season 3 to 8. I had my favs in every season. and no, im not a fan of Taylor. when he won, i stoned and a few seconds later you could hear me roaring "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

i have already pick my favourite this season. He is not only good looking but kind and a good singer too !
how could you ever find such perfect man ?!?! *sigh

He is none other than Danny Gokey.
Here's my guy. <3<3<3<3<3

how could anyone not love him ?

wakakak. too bad for you fella, im gonna stick with u throughout the competition !!

I know its too late but heck, im a late person so HAPPY NIU YEAR !!!

Trip to home was way wayyyy better than previous.

i went bak to skool n meet tons of peeps. EVERY1 asked and said the same thing.
"How's China ? "
"OMG ! u thin already !!"
"ehh, how come u still short ?"

i short and thin cannot hor ?!?!

went out with kim and lionel and sis n were supposed to watch Inheart but than at the last minute, we decided to skip the movie. Lionel's treat. Sry Lionel. :D

went to mandy's hse with kim and mandy. kim n i decided to end the war between Depp and Bloom for good and therefore we took 3 papers with Depp, Bloom and Bosnan's name and asked strangers which the prefer. Depp FREAKING won. But !! i have an explanation !

*ahem. most of Bloom's fan r teen girls and when we were there, most the teens are in skool !
So basicly of cuz Depp won lah ! cuz all woman wat..

BUT ! i will not give up ! cuz deeeeeep inside i know dat he is much much much better than Jack Sparrow.

Do i need to say more ? <3>

Valentine's Day is coming !!!! its a time for the most romantic day of the year again. its either you hate it or you like it. Hubby and i asked Jenny wat would she be doing on Valentine's Day and she said she will be spending it with her parents.

And than it struck me !

whu said valentine's day is for couples ?! we should show our love 2 our parents too ! for the hard shit times dat they rise us, for the damn fucking painful canning dat we get from them and with Valentine's Day, we r given the chance to thank them for the allowances we never get enough of !
So singles, instead of mouning of ur singlehood, at least spend ur day wit some1 or something u love.
For couples, sry for u. You had no choice but to be with ur other half.

arghh.. wat the heck m i saying. im not spending it wit my parents. =="