ngek ngek ngek ~~ got ur attention didnt I ? I've decided to delete all my old post cause they were so god damn boring.

today im gonna talk about condoms and pregnancy test !!! =].
ehh, im not ham sap okayy.. i have a good explanation of writing this.

Have u ever wonder why in pharmacy they always put the condoms and pregnancy test next 2 each other ? Im sure every1 notice it before right ? if havent notice, den make sure the next time u go 2 the pharmacy, u check. I noticed it lah, but didnt really pay attention to it. Then one day, i was walking around the pharmacy with my mum when suddenly i "accidently" went to the condoms and pregnancy test section.

Then it totally hit me !

Why are they next to each other ? I then find my mum and asked her about it.

Me : Ehh, why the condom and pregnancy test always together arh ?
Mum : *swt face* haiyahh ! dont ask so much lah ! the pharmacy so big why u must always go dat section ?!

Again, as usual, mum failed to answer my question.

I find it pretty insulting actually. Just imagine. If like a woman come to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test or maybe already took a pregnancy test and wanna take it again just to make sure that she has not been the most unlucky person on earth, then she walk to dat section and while trying to choose a pregnancy test, the condoms are next to her.

Damn right ! That woman would feel what lah ! She would be cursing and ~!@#$%^&* cause she would thinking if the guy did use the condom, she will not be in this situation.

And by placing the condoms beside the pregnancy test is so scary. to me lah at least. its like a warning that says,
"You better buy me when u're doing it or not u would be coming back to get those next to me".And somemore, how come condoms are so cheap and pregnancy tests are so expensive ? both also used only once right.. 1 pack of condom cost like $7 i think. and 1 pregnancy test cost about $30 or $40. SEE THE DIFFERENCE ?!

I really feel that someone should invent a pregnancy test that is reuseable. like after using, wash it than put back into the box. save money ! and reduce global warming also. cuz pregnancy tests are made from plastics and plastics are bad for global warming. u see ! so useful and can reduce global warming. because you see, everyday people get pregnant right ? so means everyday pregnancy tests are being brought and thrown right ? so means everyday hundreds of pregnancy test are being thrown right ? omg. no wonder global warming happen.

hmmm.. maybe i should be the one to invent it. maybe can get Nobel Prize somemore for saving the environment. okayy.. have to do research.

I've realized that I didnt talk much about condoms.Condoms arh.. errr.. haiyah ! nothing about them lah. if got use, than good; if never use, than be prepared to go to the pharmacy and experience the scenerio written above.